wow man, amazing.
Man, i actually really like this song. Its awesome dude, very good melodies. But i gotta say, that voice was kinda random, but without it the song would of sounded empty. And i really like your bassline, its good man great stuff. But i would suggest maybe a stronger kick next time? And maybe try use a different kick pattern instead of just the simple kick thats on every beat, that would of made the song more interesting to listen to but it was still good. Oh and maybe add a snare roll in there some place, just to give the song the extra "umph" you know? The build up was great at around 4:40 i really liked that alot good job on that one. But yeah, i dont really know what else to say about your song. You did a excelent job. I just wish people would actually vote fair on newgrounds. It really gets me mad when some people just go around giving zeros all the song when most of those songs actually deserve a 5/5, like this one.
Well thats about it, Good luck on future projects man. Great song here
Think you could check out mine too?
-DJ Clayface