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    Hey, I'm Clayface. I make electronica music. Thats all there really is to know about me. Been using FL for 2 years now. Yeye. The End.

    Clayface @mmmburgers

    Age 32, Male

    Music production.


    Joined on 3/6/08

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    Update on the life that is Clayface. (Whats the point, its not like anyone's actually reading my news posts XD)

    Posted by mmmburgers - September 16th, 2009

    Okay well... I'm fucking bored. So you know what time it is? Time to make a new update on the life that is Clayface. Well first of all, about the music: I don't really have any new original tracks right now, but i do have some originals that have been in production for some time now. (Projects that i started in April... Still not finish to this day. Pathetic T_T). One of the new projects is the new Above Clouds 4.0 I think you guys will like this one. It has the same fast feel as Above Clouds 3.0, if you've been a fan of the Above Clouds serries (Which i doubt you have XD) This new one, 4.0, should be a nice treat to you. That is... When ever i actually get that shit done. And I'm also going to finish up what i started some time ago, entitled The Ecstasy Mix I'm going to redo the current songs in the mix (Will you try ecstasy + Have you tried ecstasy) And get em redone, remastered, just to give it that extra BAM! So expect that sometime soon. At this very moment, I'm trying to make a new kick ass original. But its kinda... Got me stumped. Meh oh well.

    Oh yeah, and about my Youtube Channel, Thats if you guys are acttually a fan of it. If you are, thats great! If your not, you should check it out. I got some video tutorials on making melodies and such. I'm also going to put up a serries of "Putting a song together". But I've just been fucking lazy ass, and havent gotten around to doing that. But i'll get that shit done soon, hopefully. And I'll get out some more melody tutorials. It seems like alot of people lile those... Hmm. But yeah, If you have a youtube channel i say you should subscribe to me. Because you love me. Mhm.

    And another thing, I'm actually thinking of getting some T-Shirts produced. But it'll probably be a local thing, meaning the shirts will only be avalable to people in my area (Lethbridge, Ablerta). BUT If your really a die hard fan of my (Which again, i doubt) and if you really really honestly want a T-Shirt your going to pay a little extra (Only to cover shipping charges). But dont get to excited okay! Because I'm not even sure if i'm going to get these shirts produced.

    And another another note, this has nothing to do with music. But me and my girlfriend (Massielle Moreira <3 ) are going on to 10 months! (As of September 30th, 2009) Almost there baby! We can make it. I love you Massielle! Hehe. Oh yeah, speaking of which, i really think you guys should go take a listen to my song Love you Massielle. It's a really epic song, I'd say probably one of my best of 2009. So yeah, i think you guys should totally you know... Go review it =).

    But yeah, if you actually read all this crap i wrote out, thanks! If not, fuck you, asswipes! Thats all i really gotta say for now. Will be posting new originals sometime soon. So stay tuned okay! Also my site has been really really dead. Check it out sometime, its really outdated (I know on the said i was going to update it every day... But thats a load of BULL - SHIT Hahaha). But take a look, if i get more traffic, then i'll update it more often to keep you guys entertained. Join my forums too. =) Thanks for reading!


    Oh yeah, add me on MSN too. So we can chat it up, and be bestest buddies XD


    Do want shirts. :D